Tiny House Builder Report

Looking for a tiny house builder? One of the most important decisions you'll make when building a tiny home is choosing the right builder. We understand how overwhelming this process can be, but we have an easy solution to filter out the cowboys and ensure you walk away with a tiny home that lasts decades and beyond. Introducing our Tiny House Builder Report – the ultimate tool for finding a builder you can trust. This report provides a thorough background check on any builder you're considering. Unfortunately, when anything gets popular, it attracts people who don't always have the best intentions - and our industry is no different. With masses of kiwis flocking towards the Tiny Living Lifestyle, we've seen a huge increase in builders (or so-called builders) out to make a quick buck without your best interests at heart. Luckily for you, we DO have your best interests at heart. A comprehensive report on your chosen builder to give you a bit of background, and save you from getting blindsided by a fraying lasso.
Company has a bad credit score?
We’ll let you know.
Multiple companies being opened and liquidated?
Yeah, we can see that.
Disputes Tribunal history?
That too!
You deserve to have all the facts laid out when starting your dream build, and with all of the above and much more included in the report, you’ll be able to get started on your project - well informed, with peace of mind.